How to Register QMR Cloud Account

Please kindly note, to use Cloud Sync feature, you have to join Cloud Subscription.
1. Launch Quick Money Recorder on the phone that you purchased subscription.
2. Go to “Settings”
3. Go to “Membership”
4. Go to “Restore Premium Features”
5. Check whether “Premium Features restored successfully” is shown or not.
6. If you succeed in restore, tap “OK”
7. Go to “Settings”
8. Go to “Membership”
9. Go to “Membership Status”
10. Go to “Account Setting for Cloud function”
11. Show popup of “Cloud Sync feature has been added”
14. Tap “Register”
15. Create Cloud Account again.
*You can register the same e-mail address as before.
16. Enter device name.
17. Sync will start. Please Wait until the arrow stops rotating.

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